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Iron Cast Plates Vs. Bumper Plates Vs. Competition Plates

Iron Cast Plates Vs. Bumper Plates Vs. Competition Plates
Oct 31,22 Alice Cheng Iron Cast Plates Vs. Bumper Plates Vs. Competition Plates


Fitness equipment has come a long way, and now even buying something as simple as plates and bars seems complicated. Choosing weight plates is so much more than just looking at their weight, as there are plenty of different factors you need to consider.

Some of the most popular gym equipment include cast iron plates and bumper plates among others. And, during this time of uncertainty when people are shifting to at-home gyms, a common point that almost everybody ponders over is “Should I buy bumper plater or iron plates?”. And, if you too are indecisive over this trivial yet critical issue, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. This article will briefly explain the differences between iron cast plates vs. bumper plates vs. competition plates. Once you finish reading this post, you will know exactly which plate type you should use in your home gym, so read on.

Iron Cast Plates - Budget Friendly, And Great For Bodybuilding

Coredeluxe Power Lifting Plates

One of those iconic sounds from "Pumping iron" of old-school gyms is huge guys grunting and plates clunking together. And whenever you see bodybuilders doing biceps curls or bench presses, they will use cast iron plates.

The benefits of cast iron are durability and simplicity. With these, you know exactly what you get - a sturdy piece of iron that puts tension on your muscles as you lift. Another benefit is that cast iron weights are widely available, and they are much more affordable when compared to bumper and competition plates. If you are on a tight budget and your primary focus is bodybuilding, cast iron plates will do just fine.

Coredeluxe Power Lifting Plates

However, if you are interested in performing Olympic lifts, or do workouts, cast iron plates are not an option. Dropping a barbell fully loaded with cast iron plates to the floor after completing a snatch is not the best idea. Plates will break, you can injure yourself, and the floor beneath will be ruined.

Bumper Plates - Best For Casual Weightlifters

Bumper plates, also known as bumpers or more commonly as rubber plates, are made of very thick rubber. This dense material absorbs the force, making them safe to drop. Bumper plates are made for Olympic weightlifting. When you drop them from height, they won't crack up and won't damage the floor beneath either.

However, that doesn't mean you can only do Olympic lifts with bumper plates and limit cast iron plates to bodybuilding. The weight is still the same, and if you decide to do a bench press with rubber plates, you can.

The only issue is that bumper plates are much more expensive than cast iron plates. But, they can be a good long-term investment because of their durability. If you only focus on bodybuilding and strength work and never plan to do any of the highly technical Olympic lifts, bumpers are not the best option.

Competition Plates - For Those Looking To Compete

IWF Competition Bumper Plates

Competition plates are finely tuned bumper plates intended for professionals and competitions. All competition plates are carefully measured and calibrated, with minimal weight deviation. They usually have a certificate that guarantees the weights match the intended weight.

While this might seem trivial, in a competitive environment, those small differences can add up and become a deciding factor when trying to break records.

Competition plates are also thinner than bumper weights. This allows you to add more weight to the bar and in smaller increments, which helps when you try to break your personal best.

IWF Stripe Bumper Plates

Another benefit is that competition weights usually have less bounce than regular bumper plates. This allows better bar control, as you don't have to waste time and energy stabilizing the bar once you drop it. You will be able to perform your next rep sooner, which matters if you compete in.

Also, competition weights are even more durable than regular bumpers, as their quality standards are much higher.

But, all of this comes to a cost - competition plates are much more expensive than standard bumper plates.


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